Oare există melodia perfectă? Melodia care să reuşească să
înşire cuvânt cu cuvânt ceea ce aştepţi tu de la viaţă sau măcar de la un anume
aspect al ei, cum ar fi dragostea sau partenerul perfect? Uite că eu am reuşit
să o găsesc cel puţin pe cea care mi se potriveşte mie. De la versurile ei,
până la ritmul care oscilează de la lent la alert, pentru mine melodia aceasta
reprezintă o adevărată revelaţie. Nu de puţine ori m-am pierdut cu gândul prin
peisajele pitoreşti pe care le întâlneşti între Sibiu şi Mediaş atunci când
călătoreşti cu trenul, ascultând această melodie în câşti. Versurile se potrivesc foarte bine cu situaţia mea şi cu ceea ce aştept eu în materie de "parteneră", deşi "ea" mi-a spus "să nu o aştept"! :)
Girl come to me in a dream,
and I don't even know her name.
A pretty mark upon her breast
to signify her from the rest.
Her and I are just the same,
Building bridges out of fame.
She stands upon a dinner plate
and tells me that I'll have to wait.
Wait for me,
I know it won't be easy.
What a thing to believe in a dream
Perhaps I knew her long ago,
I wrote her poems at 9 years old.
But then I did become a man
and let her slip right through my hands.
I practiced all my wit and charm
Had many girls on every arm.
I learned the depths of love and hate,
but never did learn how to wait.
Wait for you,
You say it like it's easy to do.
what a thing to believe in a dream.
I have you know that all my life
I have been searching for a wife.
A partner and a confidant,
A girl who wants the things I want,
A girl who doesn't come along,
'Cause she's already where I'm going.
Stand upon a broken stage
I beg you darlin' please, please wait.
Wait for me,
I know it won't be easy.
What a thing to believe in a dream.
I believe in a dream.
and I don't even know her name.
A pretty mark upon her breast
to signify her from the rest.
Her and I are just the same,
Building bridges out of fame.
She stands upon a dinner plate
and tells me that I'll have to wait.
Wait for me,
I know it won't be easy.
What a thing to believe in a dream
Perhaps I knew her long ago,
I wrote her poems at 9 years old.
But then I did become a man
and let her slip right through my hands.
I practiced all my wit and charm
Had many girls on every arm.
I learned the depths of love and hate,
but never did learn how to wait.
Wait for you,
You say it like it's easy to do.
what a thing to believe in a dream.
I have you know that all my life
I have been searching for a wife.
A partner and a confidant,
A girl who wants the things I want,
A girl who doesn't come along,
'Cause she's already where I'm going.
Stand upon a broken stage
I beg you darlin' please, please wait.
Wait for me,
I know it won't be easy.
What a thing to believe in a dream.
I believe in a dream.