vineri, 29 iunie 2012

Are you happy?

      "Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy".
Why is it so hard to be happy sometimes? Basically  „you don’t need to have the best of everything, you only need to make the best of everything” . But sometimes that’s not enough, and that’s why I’m scared. I’m afraid I might lose my faith in the simple things, like seeing an old married couple still holding hands, or a little kid smiling at you for no reason, or worse, losing that feeling you have when there’s one of your favorite songs playing in your headphones.
I need to change something quick in my life. I don’t want to become an empty entity. I’ve got questions, I need answers so I can change. Change is good, life is change...

2 comentarii:

  1. Well, nu credeam ca astept cu atata ardoare, ceva la care tu astepti raspuns si eu nu stiu ce raspuns sa dau. Eu cred ca tu in ansamblu esti fericit, dar o neimplinire reuseste sa atraga tonuri sumbre in "tabloul vietii" tale. Da! fa schimbari, dar fa asa incat sa "pastrezi" si acele lucruri care pana acum te-au facut fericit. Mici sau mari, schimbarile sunt binevenite atata timp cat rezultatul te va face sa fii mai fericit decat cel din postura care a inceput sa aiba un dialog cu sinele pornind de la intrebarea: "esti fericit?". Concluzia mea e ca te poti considera fericit, dar pe alocuri you need to change something. Ca o persoane deosebita ce esti, iti zic clar ca tu nu te incadrezi in modelul simplist ilustrat in poza postarii tale. Deci raspunsul meu e: Yes, you're happy, but you also need to change something :)

  2. I like the way you've interpreted my article, but the questions are yet to come...
